Hand on a woman's shoulder in the workplace

How To Handle Sexual Harassment Claims in Your Business

Businesses in Connecticut must address sexual harassment claims to maintain a safe and respectful workplace. Handling these claims complies with legal requirements, protects your company's reputation, and boosts employee morale. 

Failing to address harassment can lead to serious legal consequences, create a toxic work environmen, and damage your...

How To Handle Sexual Harassment Claims in Your Business Continue reading…

How To Identify And Resolve Workplace Bullying And Harassment

Employers should work hard to provide a safe working environment that is free of bullying and harassment. Managers should be tasked with investigating claims of harassment and take steps to eliminate the offending behavior. It’s important for employers to recognize the signs of harassment and to help resolve employee complaints.

How To Identify And Resolve Workplace Bullying And Harassment Continue reading…

MARKET MATTERS: Time’s Almost Up — Mandated Sexual Harassment Training Deadline Looms For CT Businesses

With the media focused on Harvey Weinstein’s trial and conviction, we are seeing firsthand the reverberating impact of the #MeToo movement. It should serve as a reminder that Connecticut has a new law with a looming deadline for businesses to...

MARKET MATTERS: Time’s Almost Up — Mandated Sexual Harassment Training Deadline Looms For CT Businesses Continue reading…

Thank You, NYS DOL!

In a recent posting, I chided the NYS Department of Labor for not providing employers definitive guidance on how to comply with new sexual harassment policy and prevention training obligations in time for October 9, 2018, a statutory deadline. Since I wrote that note, the agency has indeed stepped up with what...

Thank You, NYS DOL! Continue reading…

Get A Move On, NYDOL!

A NYS statute enacted in April, 2018 requires employers to provide sexual harassment prevention training to all employees on an annual basis beginning October 9 of this year.  The training has to conform to DOL issued standards but they haven’t been provided yet!  A proposed version is in place but not a...

Get A Move On, NYDOL! Continue reading…

State Legislature Fails To Pass The “Largest Overhaul In Modern Connecticut History Of Sexual Harassment Laws”

In March 2018, my colleague Jessica Slippen addressed the Connecticut Legislature’s effort to overhaul the state sex harassment and sex assault laws, in response to the “me too”  and “times up” movements.  State Democrats called it the “the Largest Overhaul in Modern Connecticut History of Sexual Harassment Laws”.

Among other...

State Legislature Fails To Pass The “Largest Overhaul In Modern Connecticut History Of Sexual Harassment Laws” Continue reading…