Update to Federal Trade Commission’s Rule Regarding NonCompetition Agreements

In its last mailer, Mitchell & Sheahan, P.C. discussed the then-pending Federal Trade Commission’s (“FTC”) rule. This rule, which was set to take effect on September 4th, aimed to restrict most noncompetition agreements. However, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas has since issued a summary judgment...

Update to Federal Trade Commission’s Rule Regarding NonCompetition Agreements Continue reading…

Employers Need to Prepare for the Federal Trade Commission’s NonCompetition Agreement Ban

In most of the United States, the default rule for employment is at-will employment, meaning that employees can accept or leave jobs as they choose, and employers can fire and hire whomever they want at their discretion. However, this default rule is subject to exceptions and modifications. For instance, unions often negotiate...

Employers Need to Prepare for the Federal Trade Commission’s NonCompetition Agreement Ban Continue reading…